Musings gleaned from various sources - almost everyday - that give me a boost and keep me going.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Autumn is so Beautiful

I have lived in and around the city of St. Louis now for nearly 19 years off and on. I can't say that it is my favorite city, for there other places I would prefer to live if they weren't so far from my ailing father or such expensive places to live.

But one of the aspects of this part of the country that I do really enjoy is the autumn. Autumn here in St. Louis is such a relief from the heat and humidity of the Mississippi River valley in summer. Autumn also seems to last a long time here. Sure, we get cold snaps, but then it warms up again. There was frost on the grass when I left for work this morning (it was 37 degrees F.), but tommorrow the temperature is supposed to be near 70 degrees F. again. In December, we will still have days when we need to wear only a sweater outside.

Most people agree that spring or autumn are their favorite times of year here. For me, it's always been the autumn. It occured to me the other day that just as spring buds forth all sorts of colorful little flowers, the autumn warms us with brilliantly vibrant colors in the leaves of the maple trees, the sumac, and the burning bush that lose their green chlorophyll and begin to uncover their other pigments: the orange carotenes, the yellow xanthrophylls, and the red anthocyanins. (I told you, Philip del Ricci, I once taught biology!)

I referred to St. Therese of Lisieux in one of my earlier messages. I came across this new book on her writings: Therese of Lisieux, In My Own Words, by Judy Bauer (Liguori Publications). It is a brand new publication. Here's how this young future-saint looked at the beauties of nature:

"Indeed, I can still feel the vivid impressions made on my childish heart by the vision of the cornfields studded with cornflowers, poppies, and marguerites. Even at that age I loved far-stretching views, sunlit spaces, and stately trees: in a word all the beauties of Nature cast their spell upon me and raised my soul to heaven."

Later today I will be driving to Iowa to visit my family. Passing through Missouri, Illinois, and Iowa I will witness miles and miles of those cornfields. And I'll be looking for the subtle beauty in those harvested fields.

Don't miss out on these autumn days. There are not many left. They are both brisk in the cooling air, but warm in rays of sunshine. Savor them while you can. In fact, go outside right now!


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